How do I sign up for electronic statements?

Jump to instructions for loans funded BEFORE 10/16/23

Jump to instructions for loans funded ON or AFTER 10/16/23


For loans funded BEFORE 10/16/23

After logging in to your UAS account, click “Account Settings” under “My Account” in the upper right hand corner. Screen_Shot_2023-01-31_at_3.39.46_PM.png
Under the "Preferred Delivery Method of Important Account Documents" section on the next page, select the "Paperless" option and check the box agreeing to use an electronic process to view your documents. Screen_Shot_2023-01-31_at_3.54.31_PM.png


For loans funded ON or AFTER 10/16/23

Once logged in to your Launch account, you can access your communication settings by clicking “My Profile” in the top right navigation, then going to your “Communication preferences.” Launch E Statement 1.png
In this section, click edit on your electronic communications to read disclosures and confirm your switch to paperless. Launch E Statement 2.png
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