Why is my application still processing?

There are a few reasons why you did not receive an immediate application decision. These include:

  • You may have placed a credit freeze or FCRA fraud alert on your credit report. If this is the case, please reach out to TransUnion in order to get it temporarily lifted.
  • Additional information/documentation may be needed. This can include your or your co-borrower’s (if applicable) proof of income or proof of residency, age verification, or social security number verification. Documentation may be submitted through your Student Portal or sent via email to hello@climbcredit.com, from the email address submitted on your application.
  • Your social security number may be incorrect. If you mistyped your social security number, we ask that you submit a new application with your correct SSN (this will not affect your credit score).
  • You may be in delinquency or collections. If this is the case, we ask that you settle the delinquency or collections account and provide proof of payment before we can proceed with your application.
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